Our programmes

Our work plan meets the requirements of NHS England's maturity matrix, which guides how we develop the network, and contributes towards our vision and strategy.

We have also launched a Shared Insourced Reporting Programme to increase the number of imaging scan reports that are completed by radiologists working within the peninsula.

Here is a summary of the programmes we are currently working on. To find out more about any of them, please contact us:

Digital and artificial intelligence

The purpose of our digital programme is to ensure the delivery of improved image sharing, network-level data management, reporting and a unified approach to artificial intelligence. 

We have been working to optimise the current picture archiving and communication system (PACS) and single-instance Radiology Information System (RIS) to deliver the best possible image sharing and shared reporting capability now and into the future across the peninsula's trusts.

The peninsula has benefited from having a shared PACS in place since 2007. Following a successful re-procurement process, and with additional £4.75m capital funding received from NHS England, deployment of the new cloud-based solution has been taking place during 2024.

The system will create a quicker and more seamless sharing experience. The cloud-based infrastructure could also potentially be used by other services, and this is being explored.

This ties in with the RIS contract renewal, which has been renewed across all four trusts to maintain a single system, which is essential for image sharing and reporting across the peninsula.

The focus now is on delivering the best image sharing and shared reporting functionality across the network, integrating with emerging electronic patient record (EPR) deployments and the new Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs).


Artificial intelligence (AI)

An icon representing artificial intelligence (AI)

A digital and artificial intelligence (AI) workstream is in place, joint with the Peninsula Pathology Network. The sub-group considers digital and AI products for clinical discussion and evaluation.

Funding of £21m for the deployment of AI in trusts was announced by NHSE in June 2023. PenRAD was successful in its bid to this Artificial Intelligence Development Fund on behalf of the trusts in the peninsula.

Qure.ai was the successful bidder and is providing an AI lung nodule solution. Deployment is expected by the end of 2024.

Modality forums

The network has brought together specialist imaging staff in each trust into communities of practice or modality specific forum to enable sharing of best practice, development of ideas and, importantly, a support network for clinical staff who understand each other’s working worlds.

Escalation of topics arising from forum discussions are taken through the network’s governance structure where appropriate. Challenging topics to date have included:

  • Management and governance of non-medical referrers (NMRs).
  • MR safety checks of implants and conditional devices.
  • Fragility of radiopharmacy services in the peninsula.

Contact us if you would like to know more about any of the nine modality forums below:

An image showing icons for each of the nine modalities


PenRAD takes a strategic and supportive role in developing the imaging workforce, alongside attracting and recruiting colleagues to join our teams in the Peninsula.

Data from the annual National Imaging Data Collection (NIDC) provides valuable imaging workforce information from each trust with the network seeking to ensure consistency between the operational and business intelligence teams. 

The network has a programme of workforce projects including:


Outreach and careers advice

Targeting young people in key stage 3-5 in schools and colleges across Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly, and Devon, the network is providing information on the wide variety of career paths available with diagnostic imaging services in the peninsula.

We link closely with our secondary, further and higher education providers to deliver accurate up-to-date information on the different entry qualifications, apprentice and undergraduate routes into the imaging professions.

Focused Diagnostic Radiography and Healthcare Science careers events are being organised and rolled out across the region.

Find out more on our careers pages.


Work experience and industry placements

We have been working with Diagnostic Imaging departments on increasing our work experience offer to young people. This includes providing an increased number of industry placements required in the Health and Health Science T-level curriculum.

Working from the exemplar and creative lead in Barnstaple, we have worked with University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust in developing an offer which would create a progression pathway for these students, and are pleased to see that Plymouth is now accepting health T-Level students onto their diagnostic imaging programmes.

We are also working with higher education institutions to ensure that these qualifications are recognised for entry onto Assistant Practitioner training and Radiography degree programmes (apprentice and undergraduate routes).


Increasing apprenticeships

PenRAD is committed to the ‘Grow Your Own’ workforce opportunity that apprenticeships enable. High-quality apprenticeships are delivered in partnership with universities delivering the academic content.

Across the peninsula, we have an increasing number of apprenticeships enabling our support workers to train as assistant radiographer practitioners in two years and as a diagnostic radiographer in three years (subject to academic entry requirements).

The opportunity for individuals with a science degree at 2:1 or above to do a two years’ Masters degree in Diagnostic Radiography is also available in partnership with University of Exeter.


Recruitment campaign

The network has developed a recruitment campaign including video case studies of the rich and satisfying diagnostic imaging careers that can be experienced by working in the south west. The campaign will be encouraging professionally registered Radiographers and student Radiographers due to qualify imminently to stay in the Peninsula or to come and join us from further afield.


Practice Educators

Trusts in our network have recently benefited from NHS England funding to provide more Practice Educators in the Diagnostic Radiography workforce.

Our Practice Educators are key to delivering high-quality training and clinical placements to our apprentice and student radiographers, as well as supporting the continuous professional develop of all imaging staff.

Practice Educators work closely with the colleges and universities to ensure that practical ‘hands-on’ training and experience meet academic, competency and qualification requirements.


Return to practice

Our Practice Educators also support returners to radiography practice regain their clinical skills and achieve re-registration with the Healthcare Professions Council (HPC).

Each trust has a comprehensive, supportive and interesting return to practice programme that individuals can complete at their own pace, recognising that returners often require flexible and variable arrangements due to work/life balance and commitments.


Enhancing and advancing clinical practice

NHS England funding to support upskilling and postgraduate training of radiographers have been optimised across the trusts in the network.

Opportunities to enable staff development have included postgraduate certificates / diplomas in ultrasound, imaging reporting, clinical education, forensics, leadership and professional development, as well as specific modules for those working in CT and MRI.

The network is keen to increase radiographer involvement in clinical research and is working alongside the South West Imaging Training Academy (SWITA), local universities and Health Innovation South West to develop our research workforce.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and clinical science / programming present endless research opportunities in diagnostic imaging.

Capital planning and equipment

The network is working closely with trusts to identify and maximise opportunities for shared procurement, as well key partners including the Peninsula Purchasing Supply Alliance (PPSA) and NHS Supply Chain who are already working across our trusts.