Our strategy
In 2017, NHS England committed to consolidating pathology services in England through 29 regional networks. Analysis showed there was unwarranted variation in how pathology services were being delivered to patients, because of how they are organised.
Patients should receive quicker, more advanced and reliable screening test results for illnesses, including cancer. The networks will bring together clinical expertise, ultimately making these services more efficient that deliver better value, high-quality care.
Our ambition
Our vision is to deliver the most beneficial model of pathology as a network across the South West peninsula, to help clinical pathways to be as effective and efficient as possible.
We face some specific issues within the peninsula:
- An ageing population
- Rural and coastal communities, and areas of multiple deprivation
- Seasonal impacts from an increased summer population of toursists and seasonal workers
- Poor road infrastructure compounded by holiday traffic
- Increased incidence, complexity and volume of disease
All networks are required to have workstreams that address:
- Operational
- Governance
- Leadership
- Quality
- IT and Digital
- Workforce
- Shared supply chain
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