Event showcases diagnostic careers for young people | News

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Event showcases diagnostic careers for young people

A photo from a careers event of a smiling lady beside a model of a skeleton, which is wearing virtual reality glasses

There was a brilliant atmosphere at South West Imaging Training Academy (SWITA) in Plymouth on Saturday 6 July, as we welcomed over 130 young people and their families to inspire and introduce them to the many and varied career opportunities in diagnostics.

Over two sessions in the morning and afternoon, there were talks and a lively exhibition featuring many of the diagnostic careers on offer, such as radiography, sonography, echocardiography, pathology and clinical sciences.

A montage of photos from the careers day featuring students, exhibitors and staff

A group of actors from City College in Plymouth brought to life the 'behind-the-scenes' life-saving nature of these roles.

Attendees were able to explore a virtual X-ray room and CT scanner using virtual reality headsets, brought along by The Society and College of Radiographers, and we were delighted to also be joined by representatives from University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, University of Exeter, and University of Plymouth.

Following the success of this event, we hope to be able to offer similar opportunities in other sites around the peninsula in future.

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